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Metfab Metals----2016: Even More Progress.


Our 2016 Newsletters/Subject
(All Archived on our website)
Super Success
Speaks for itself.
Efficiency; Capacity
We got better.
AESS Update
We’re the experts!
We got better.
We got better.
Podium Steel; Major Mullions
Real pretty!
Anytime you want!
VMUs; Visual Mock-Ups
A regular item here!
Retro-Fit; Retro-Clad
Another bit of our expertise!
A unique look!
3-D Printers/Metals
Coming innovations!

Looking back over the breadth of what we worked on this passing year, it has already been a “great” year for this American company. Just a brief review of the titles----and content----of these monthly reports to our customers (present & future) amply shows that what was already great here at Metfab Metals, LLC is now getting greater in meaningful increments, even before our new government assumes control with its quiver of future greatness concepts & ideas.

As we said last month about 3-D printing, we want to be “ahead of the wave” for you and so we are focused on all the trends in our industry. We will not be automated out of business----or fall behind in any other fashion. Other months, we stressed our nimble service to all our customers, back over the past 30+ years!

We thank all our IT guys for the insights and “heads-up” to all of us working each day with currently-available technology. And for what they are “playing with” (an IT term, not mine) each day to make us better. We presently have all the cutting-edge technology in our shops today and the young brains to use it best for you. [Watch for our new inter-active website to further speed up how we can work together seamlessly.]

Look over the litany of topics we sent out to all of you this past year, covering everything from Success to Accuracy to Cooperation to Samples to Diversity---and in which we tried to convey so much more. Follow us in 2017 and beyond, as we plan ahead to be ever “greater” and ever better meeting your needs.

All of us here at Metfab Metals know our industry (& yours) and always focus on the coming technologies so that we can better handle your job’s needs TODAY! And be even “greater” tomorrow, and next year, and each year after that! We are here to service your evolving needs for decades to come.

A final note at this year’s end---our established process requires planning with precise and workable specs BEFORE we generate an agreed-upon PO for the final fabricated metal needed at the modern jobsite (1). We ask our regular customers to involve us more in this planning stage. AGAIN please recognize--ours is a NO-cost offer in which we take a look at what metals are needed and give the Owner & Design Team a chance to take advantage of our hands-on, current experience as to what works best in our aspect of the plans (then yet to be finalized). So, when your busy schedule allows, look back over what we catalogued for you in our 2016 Newsletters. We are doing all of this for others now. We want to do even more for YOU in 2017.

Metfab Metals has decades of experience producing all the various metal parts/assemblies needed for YOUR retro jobs that can serve to make them go smoothly from its earliest stages------------and end successfully!  Call us; you’ll soon see we produce.

Call me for ALL your METALS questions. If I can't answer it, I have all the needed "sources" to do so!

Jim Murray, C.O.O.                                          973-675-7676   

Hudson Yards, NYC, NY
----- Last year in this space, we reported on this huge West Side development and our work there throughout 2015. Now we report as an update that we have supplied even more AESS mullions throughout 2016. We are continuing other needed fabrications for the various other buildings making up the myriad structures rising there---and have orders running through 2017 and into 2018.

1. Building Design & Construction (online magazine) at www.bcdnetwork.com (September 16, 2009) by Mark Baker, Pres., IBA Consultants:

NOW, Metfab Metals is your single best fabrication answer, not only for quality custom and production Heavy-Gauge AND Light-Gauge metal parts, but also when your job requires AESS in all its MANY forms, finishes and applications!

Happy Holidays!
All Good Things to YOU in 2017!!!

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